Beginners Guide: Joey Kossen

Hey, my name is Joey Kossen and I live in Schagen, a small city in the northern part of the Netherlands. I was born in the year 2000 which makes me round about 21 years old right now. I am studying Game Development at the HVA(Hogeschool van Amsterdam) which when I finish would allow me to get my Bachelor of Science. This is a 4 year study, currently I’m in my second year.

I’m very energetic and driven with a huge ambition for programming and game design. My friends would describe me as funny, kind and trustworthy. Trust me, they would. I always try to have a positive outlook on everything even though it might annoy people sometimes. I have a big passion for video games, it’s very fascinating how they’re made.

When I’m not at school I am probably working as a game development teacher at Media College Amsterdam. This is a MBO* level 4 education. So basically when I’m not at school as a student I am at school as a teacher, 12 year old me would be very disappointed if he knew… I have a another job next to being a teacher. On Sundays I work at the Karwei in Schagen which is a hardware store. Here I work as a junior sales assistant. I used to do freelance web-development but that fell into the water since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In my spare time I like to go out and play sports with my friends, I’m not really a very sporty guy but I like playing sports like bowling and pooling. I’m also a big fan of the Marvel movies so you’ll probably find me in the cinema whenever a new one releases.

I am moderately experienced with the Unity Engine and the C# language. I am decently familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript but I do not often work with those languages. Usually when I need to get art for my projects I get them from the internet but I am also familiar with Adobe Photoshop. Other Adobe products I use are Adobe Audition and Adobe Premiere Pro.

* The MBO (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs; literally "middle-level applied education") is oriented towards vocational training and is the equivalent of junior college education. There are 4 levels of MBO.